A.1. Employee Recognition
C.1. Joan Pezzani to discuss Imperial Lakes.
C.2. Jennifer Wilkes to discuss speeding on Old Kissimmee/Old Tampa Road.
C.3. Comments.
D.1. Approve Consent Agenda.
E.1. Disbursements.
E.2. Minutes of Regular Board meeting held on September 5, 2023
G.1. Approve the release of a warranty and surety in the amount of $135,084.19 in the form of Maintenance Bond No. 1156579 for Solterra Phase 2C-1. (No fiscal impact)
H.1. Approve agreement with The Zimmerman Agency, LLC for advertising and related marketing services. ($3,490,500.00 estimated annual recurring expense)
H.2. Approve the Contract with Cove Behavioral Health, Inc. for behavioral health services. (Total amount not to exceed $877,000: Year 1 - $277,000, Year 2 - $300,000, Year 3 - $300,000).
H.3. Approve and ratify Letter of Agreement and IGT Provider Questionnaire from the State of Florida, Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) for the Public Emergency Medical Transportation Medicaid Managed Care Supplement Payment Program. ($3,978,427.05 not-to-exceed, one-time expense)
I.1. Commissioner Wilson Comments.
J.1. Commissioner Braswell Comments.
K.1. Commissioner Santiago Comments.
L.1. Commissioner Combee Comments.
M.1. Chair Lindsey Comments.
N.1. Appoint Claire Twomey to the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee (AHAC) for a three-year term reappointment. (No fiscal impact).
N.2. Appoint Nicole Redmond to the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee (AHAC) who will fulfill the remaining term of a member who resigned. (No fiscal impact).
* County Attorney opening comments
O.1. Public Hearing (LDCPAS-2023-5 Nichols PM to A/RR) (Adoption Hearing) to consider the adoption of a Small-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA) to change the Future Land Use designation on 19.32 +/- acres from Phosphate Mining (PM), to Agricultural/Residential Rural (A/RR) in the Rural Development Area (RDA). (No Fiscal Impact)
O.2. Public Hearing (LDCPAS-2023-6 RR RLX and CCX to OCX) (Adoption Hearing) to consider the adoption of a Small-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA) to change the Future Land Use designation on 1.06 +/- acres from Convenience Center-X (CCX) and Residential Low-4X (RL-4X) to Office Center-X (OCX) in the Transit Supportive Development Area (TSDA) in the Ronald Reagan Selected Area Plan (SAP). (No Fiscal Impact)
O.3. Public Hearing (LDCPAS-2023-7 Caspian Road CPA) (Adoption Hearing) to consider the adoption of a Small-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA) to change the Future Land Use designation on 1.05 +/- acres from Development of Regional Impact (DRI), to Residential-Low (RL) in the Utility Enclave Area (UEA). (No Fiscal Impact)
O.4. Public Hearing (LDCPAL 2023-7 CIE Annual Update) (Adoption Hearing) to review the Capital Improvements Element and reference the adopted five-year schedule of Capital Improvements, to reflect the timing and funding of capital projects to meet or maintain adopted Level-Of-Service (LOS) standards for certain public facilities; reference the adopted Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Five-Year Study and the adopted Polk County School Board Five-Year Work Plan. (No Fiscal Impact)
O.5. Public Hearing (LDCT-2023-13 Accessory Dwelling Units) (First Reading) to consider the adoption of a County-initiated request to consider the adoption of an LDC Text amendment to Chapter 2, Section 206.A, Accessory Dwelling Units, Garage Apartments, Guest Houses and Mother-in-law Suites.
P.1. Public Hearing to consider adoption of a resolution setting the rate of collection and approval of the non-ad valorem assessment roll for the 2023 Local Provider Participation Fund special assessment and authorizing the County Manager to execute a Letter of Agreement with the State of Florida Agency for Health Care Administration. (no fiscal impact)
P.2. Public Hearing to consider adoption of a resolution to vacate a portion of a platted public drainage easement as shown on the Plat of Rainbow Ridge Unit Number Five, Auburndale, Florida. (No fiscal impact)
P.3. Public Hearing to consider adoption of a Resolution to vacate platted and unmaintained right-of-way as shown on the plat of Wahneta Farms, Winter Haven, Florida. (No fiscal impact)
P.4. Public Hearing (LDCPAS-2023-9 Jamison North CPA) (Adoption Hearing) to consider the adoption of a Small-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA) to change the Future Land Use designation on 49.08 +/- acre from Phosphate Mining (PM) to 39.08 acres of Industrial (IND) and 10 acres of Business Park Center (BPC) in the Rural Development Area (RDA). (No Fiscal Impact)
P.5. Public Hearing (LDCPAS-2023-10 Jamison South CPA) (Adoption Hearing) to consider the adoption of a Small-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA) to change the Future Land Use designation on 22.26 +/- acre from Phosphate Mining (PM) to Industrial (IND) in the Rural Development Area (RDA). (No Fiscal Impact)
P.6. Public Hearing (LDPD-2023-12 Creek Ranch RMD) (DeNovo Hearing) to consider an appeal to the Planning Commission’s 4:3 decision to approve LDPD-2023-12, a Rural Mixed-Use Development.